Blogs for Moms

How Can You Get Your Baby's Sleep Cycle Right?
Not all babies have the same sleep patterns; neither there is a surety of a single way of working with your child. Babies are so unpredictable that you have to...

Essentials For Your New Born Baby
Wondering what needs to be prepared for a new born baby? Here are some essentials which I want to share with you :

How Do You Get Back To Work After Maternity Leave?
While 6 months is definitely better than what other working mothers get across the globe, it may still not seem long enough to be prepared to leave your little one...

How to Care for Kids If You're Sick With Covid-19
Taking care of kids on your own is hard. It’s also scary when facing the specter of grave illness. What happens if one of you gets sick? What if both of you get sick?

My Learnings From The World In The Womb!
Ever wondered what babies do inside the womb for 9 long months? We fail to sit peacefully at a given place for more than 9 minutes without any activity or...

10 Ways You Might Be Mom-Shaming
Mom-shaming is bullying other moms for their parenting choices in subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) aggressions sprinkled into play group conversations...

You Can Learn From Your Kids Too
As they say it “there is no age of learning”. And, yes it’s true to every bit of it. But it’s also true that there is no age of teaching....

Parenthood- A Bliss
Parenting is definitely the hardest job we have ever done, we all agree to it. However, it is rewarding too, we might agree to this as well... The days can be long when...