Blogs for Moms

A Mother's Nightmare- New Born Sleeping Patterns
An over-tired mother of 5 days old baby girl gets up in the middle of sleep at 3 in the morning because of a bad dream. She turns to baby...

Balance is the Key to Motherhood!
Your baby becomes the center of your universe and in this process you completely forget about your personal life or life you use to have before your baby arrived. This...

Dirt that Doesn't Hurt
Can you recall the aroma of the earth right after it has rained? I am sure you can and it has already calmed your senses. Or when you mommas apply...

Breast Abscess- My Journey Post Pregnancy
I could feel milk being formed in my breast but is it was not coming out and hence the milk formed within turned to puss, making matters worse for me. Gradually...

How to get some alone time while traveling with a baby
My husband and I have travelled to many places before our baby. We look forward to continue to do that after our daughter’s birth. But we were always skeptical how...

Things All Mommies Should Know!
When the baby just happens, it becomes quite difficult to cope with all the overwhelming emotions, fears and anxieties. It takes you a good couple of months to set your...

The Dilemma of a Stay at Home Mom vs. Working Mom?
I was always a career-oriented woman. I never imagined myself sitting at home and taking care of the children. My perspective towards motherhood changed, however, when my daughter was born....

Tips to Travel by Air with an Infant
One of the most fearful parts of travelling with an infant is taking a flight, especially a long one. However, by taking simple steps, parents can make the journey easier...