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Ways To Indulge Your Sweet Tooth AND STILL Eat Healthily during Pregnancy!

Yes! You read that right! Pregnant women have extreme cravings and still need to eat a diet which is suitable both for them and their unborn child. In case you...


Yes! You read that right! Pregnant women have extreme cravings and still need to eat a diet which is suitable both for them and their unborn child. In case you are pregnant and have a sweet tooth bigger than most, this post can help you. Read on!

Any pregnant woman would love to feast on scrumptious and yummy strawberries, so it should not be hard to grab a fistful, whenever you like or get creative and make a nice smoothie with them. Strawberries don’t cause any mess, are easy to carry around while you are on the go and a super food, when it comes to the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Hope you will enjoy them to the fullest.

As an alternative, you can also try your hand and prepare these yummy smoothies using strawberries, which will keep your taste buds as well as you happy.

  • Strawberry and banana Smoothie

    This drink is quite easy to make and gives you a dash of energy, whenever you may need it. To make it, combine a quarter of a cup of vanilla yogurt with half a cup of almond milk, one medium sized banana, a handful of thoroughly washed and organic strawberries and a few ice cubes (optional). Blend all these together in your blender, pour it out in a tall glass and enjoy!

    • Mango and Strawberry Smoothie

      If you have a sweet tooth, this will satisfy all your cravings. To make this, combine one cup each of vanilla yogurt, almond milk, mango chunks and strawberry chunks in your blender and blend for two to three minutes. Pour out in a tall glass and garnish with a small slice of mango or some almonds. You may add ice to it, if you desire.

      • Healthy Strawberry Puree

        You can make and store this in as much quantity as you want, during the strawberry season. The best part of this puree is that it is very healthy and can be eaten with many things, like bread, cakes or pancakes. In order to prepare strawberry puree, wash as many strawberries as you want to use and blend them in the blender till you get a smooth puree like consistency. Freeze it after packing it in Ziploc bags and take it out of the freezer and use, as and when required. However, take care to use only ripe strawberries to make the puree or it may go bad.

        Why eating strawberries are best during pregnancy? Click Here

        However, as is in the case of any and every other thing in this world, eating strawberries can pose a health risk during pregnancy so ask your gynecologist first, before indulging.

        So, incorporate this delicious fruit in your diet. I am looking forward to hearing from you and will come back with another write up, full of parenting tips and tricks. Do write to me in the comments section, if you have any queries, suggestions or even if you just want to say “hi”. Ciao till the next time!



        Aarti Puri is Harvard educated and the founder and CEO of Magnolia Kids, a primary school. She is a psychologist, writer and teacher trainer. She's starting her YouTube Video channel for moms  and kids soon.


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