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Skin Care For New Moms

We often put a lot of effort into losing those extra inches and coming back to shape, but our skincare remains neglected. Almost all mothers shelve their prenatal vitamins, and...


Motherhood is a very beautiful journey that every woman wishes to live in her life. After having the baby the word “normal” changes for moms, and our world revolves around the little one. A lot of changes happen to our body as well right from hair, skin, body shape, and size.

We often put a lot of effort into losing those extra inches and coming back to shape, but our skincare remains neglected. Almost all mothers shelve their prenatal vitamins, and they are feeding and taking care of the New born with sleepless nights. This results in dull skin and hair loss. Changed body appearance, lack of sleep, and hormonal changes put many of us in postpartum depression. So, to feel good we must look good.

With this regard, we must follow a skincare regimen to replenish lost vitamins and minerals.

SKINCARE – A lot of skin changes occur post-pregnancy like Melasma, Dark spots,dry skin , sensitive skin, changes in skin tone, Hyper pigmentation, Dark circles & puffy eyes. Many of these can be reduced by following a healthy diet.follow some skincare routine


  • We must not skip meals at all,IT makes healthy skin dull .
  • Drinking a lots of water /fluid will keep us hydrated and helps in bringing back the glow of beautiful skin.
  • We must follow a skin cleansing, toning, and moisturizing regimen without fail twice a day for maintaining skin health.
  • Continue with your prenatal vitamins., mineral oil with the consultation of your doctor.
  • Eat a protein and iron-rich diet.
  • Be a healthy mother by adding postnatal yoga to your lifestyle.
  • Always keep your skin type in mind before buying any skincare cream


HAIR CARE – During pregnancy in most cases body hormone keeps hair from falling out but once the hormone gets back to normal in 3-6 months post-delivery, hair starts shedding in clumps. Many of us even freak out as if we are going to go bald. Doctors refer to this as normal and it will return back to normal in the next six months. So, by that time we must follow a proper hair care regimen as –

  • Use a volumizing shampoo and conditioner.
  • Go extra easy on your hair while combing and drying
  • Add biotin supplement to your diet
  • Avoid and chemical treatment


Click here to know beauty treatments to avoid during pregnancy.

Meenu Chaudhary has done a Master in Biotechnology from Rajasthan University and has been working for a Pharmaceutical company in Delhi for the past 12 years. She is the mother of a beautiful girl and just started blogging. Reach her on Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin.



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