Pregnancy Care Tips For The First Trimester
As a mother, lots of advice is given from elders, from our friends, from internet, etc. We have to follow our gynecologist’s instructions only as she knows about more than others,...
As a mother, lots of advice is given from elders, from our friends, from internet, etc. We have to follow our gynecologist’s instructions only as she knows about more than others,...
What to do, what to eat, what not to do, etc… there are lots of questions arrived in our mind when we are pregnant. Some expecting mothers are feeling nausea in her first trimester, some not, some may feel strange smells from foods or cooked vegetables some may not.
I never felt any kind of smell during my pregnancy, but I felt nausea every time in my first Trimester and lots of weakness.
As a first-time mother we all face so many problems and if you are all alone, and there are lots of advice got from elders, from our friends, from internet, etc.
We have to follow our gynecologist’s instructions only as she knows about more than others, follow their meal plan, and follow the medication they give.
Here are some important tips which we needs to taking care during our First Trimester –
We should take full rest in our starting days, no stress for a single minute. Take at least 7-8 hours sleep with no stress in mind. You can do meditation for relaxation of the mind. Make yourself happy and calm all the time as there are mood swings during pregnancy, so you have to be more careful avoid any kind of stress.
You should have lots of water to be hydrated every time, if you are Tea/Coffee lover then you have to forget it during pregnancy at least for first Trimester as it is not good for baby. Have juices, water if you crave for Tea/Coffee but try to
For a healthy baby we need to have healthy diet which includes all minerals and vitamin along with Iron. Green vegetables give us vitamin and Iron especially Spanish it is must to have during pregnancy. All fruits full of vitamin C which helps to improve our immunity, a glass of milk.
A big NO to Alcohol and junk foods in pregnancy it will go to effect baby’s health.
Coconut water is a great source of hydration, it is having lots of vitamin and minerals, it is help to prevent Nausea, constipation etc. At least one or twice time in a day is a must.
Do not travel at all in first Trimester, these first 3 months are very critical and any of mothers do not want to be taking any risk.
We all already knew about this and lots of more information from internet but I shared with you what I did during my pregnancy. These are natural resources so no harm in it and if you have any kind of allergy then you have to take permission with your gynecologist.
These 3 months are very crucial for all mothers we need extra care, try not to do any heavy work during first trimester.
I hope this would help expecting mothers, and if you like it please write down your views in comment section, and if any suggestions and advice you want to give.
Here is a blog which tells on how to deal your first trimester of pregnancy.
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