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Post Pandemic Phase Of Life - The New 'Normal'

Many of you expecting mommies or new mommies out there might be fighting their own little separate feelings of psychological and physical stress during this lockdown. In this phase we...

Post Pandemic Phase Of Life - The New 'Normal'

Photo by Pille-Riin Priske on Unsplash




Sitting comfortably in our homes and debating on who should be allowed to step out of the house and who should not, is something which will never have a fair conclusion. There are many aspects we can consider but, are we the correct individuals to speak on this situation? Our knowledge is based on the media reports, the government circulars & the social media rumors. The government knows exactly how serious our current situation is or how long will it take to find the cure for the disease.

But one thing is certain, that the government is not disclosing the accurate numbers, which is justified in order to avoid panic and chaos among the people.  Hence we need to now accept the fact that our lives will no longer be the same as it used to be before.  This pandemic phase has left a sword hanging over our head i.e. the fear that this will not come to an ease unless we have an antidote of the said virus. In near future, we will see ourselves taking selfies with our mask on. Now lipstick will not be important but Kajal & Maskara will be. 

Many of you expecting mommies or new mommies out there might be fighting their own little separate feelings of psychological and physical stress during this lockdown. In this phase we need to find solutions to overcome the anxiety and distress amid this situation. I am not a doctor or a psychologist but am sharing a few of my own experiences which in a way might help you otherwise.

For expecting mothers:

  • Physical exercise is useful to keep your body active, hence do squat exercise (may be a set of 5) taking the support of a wall on your back and holding hands with your partner.
  • Walk in the house for 30-45 minutes as your body allows, taking a breaks in between.
  • Go to your balcony or window in the morning; try breathing fresh air with your eyes wide open (this lockdown has surely made the air pure enough for the baby to be healthy)
  • Listen to music or any audio books or stories of your choice which soothes your mind while exercising or walking. This will help channelize your likes among the baby.
  • This lockdown has definitely lead us to healthy eating habits, but please ensure that you do not eat too much oily or sweet & gain excessive body weight (baby weight is separate than your body weight as per my experience, because after delivery you lose baby weight but excess gain of body weight is very difficult). Also during last trimester we may be at risk of getting BP or diabetes issue. So please keep a tab of what you eat and how much you eat.
  • Once the lockdown eases you may go for a small stroll with your partner either early morning or late night when there are not many people around. Of course please consider the situation in your locality first.


For new mothers:

Once the baby has entered our lives it is a roller coaster ride. Hence you need to tighten your seat belts, because now this ride has become more interesting if you are locked in your house with no maids or any other helping hand.

  • It is okay if the house is a mess, if the utensils are kept in the sink for a long time or if the clothes have to be washed a little late. But it is not okay if your health is compromised. So, now you need to share your load. (We need to appreciate the new fathers as well, they are showing atmost superhuman strength managing office work as well as sharing the load)
  • With the little angel around you will have tired and sleepless nights, so try to lie down whenever the baby is asleep.
  • After delivery eating healthy is suggested, less oily and spicy food as you are lactating, this might affect your health.
  • Increase your calcium and iron intake in order to help your body grow strong.
  • Start walking in your house, as you may not be able to take a walk outside due to lockdown.

This corona virus spread has definitely made a huge impact in each of our lives in different ways. We may be rich or poor or mere middle class individuals, we may be of different age groups and gender but we all are in a way or other destined to fight this fate together. The economy of our country has been hit because of the lockdown implemented for more than 50 days now. If the officials have decided to slowly ease the situation by allowing few movements, we need to understand that this is to make us comfortable with the future situations.

Now we can speak of another group of people who are our little children and senior citizens. As parents we are mostly worried about our kids being infected more than ourselves. But these little angles are being most impacted in this pandemic phase. Kids are not impacted by the spread but by the lockdown. Kids between the age of 0 to 3 years are in a phase where it is little difficult to explain to them the current situation.

Although for a while we can console them by describing the virus being like a bad monster roaming out but being locked in the house for so many days has a psychological impact on their little minds. This is one of your child’s most important ages for emotional development. We do everything to keep them occupied and happy but mental growth is not 100 % by reading or doing activities in the house. They need fresh visuals and breathe fresh air by feeling it through their skin. They need to interact with other children and people around or else they’ll turn homesick.

If we are a nuclear family with only mother and father around, kids tend to become impulsive and get annoyed frequently. So now in coming days we can try the below methods:

  • We may not use the big playgrounds or the garden areas but we need to slowly take the kids out of the house for physical activities. Here are some fun products which your little one can enjoy outdoors.
  • We cannot gather in big groups but can take them to meet their friends at their houses. I know there is a risk in it but we are a well aware parent and can take precautions. This way it will help them meet people and interact effectively.
  • We can take them for a small cycle round or a small walk or run. Nevertheless we have to always be around them. Ensure they don’t touch anything or go near strangers.

Speaking of the senior citizens now, they also need to take a small walk downstairs but need to ensure that they are alone or with another family members but not in a group as this will help their mental & physical state as well.

I am not defending or arguing with anyone of the current situation here but I’m only stating few of my own points given the fact that heron now this is how our lives will be and we cannot sit inside closed doors forever. Hence taking all the precautions, thinking wisely and being proactive, we need to now slowly step out and get things to happen as time pleases.


 Click here to read on how to develop patience in your kid.


Deepika Pandey
Deepika Pandey is a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource & has more than 6 years of experience as a HR Business Partner. She took a break from her work life to enjoy her motherhood with her 3 year old naughty daughter and simultaneously shares her thoughts through simple words in her blogs. You can follow her on Facebook -, Twitter -, LinkedIn -, Insta -


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