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Monsoon Care for Kids

  We all love to get wet in rain and enjoy playing in the rain mostly with our kids. Everyone likes to embrace little showers and cool breeze. Monsoon season...


We all love to get wet in rain and enjoy playing in the rain mostly with our kids. Everyone likes to embrace little showers and cool breeze. Monsoon season is loved by all from adults to kids. Monsoon not only bring fun but also bring humidity, mosquitoes, and some seasonal diseases. A very common problem in kids is that of itchy skin which makes them uncomfortable. Kids often fall sick due to seasonal changes.

Below are a few tips that will prevent your kids from seasonal change and diseases.

 Increase intake of Vitamin C

Viral fever and infections are caused in this season. So boosting immunity for kids is very important. One of the best ways to improve immunity is to increase the intake of lime, green veggies, sprouts, oranges, etc.

 Stay Hydrated

Increase water intake to remove toxins, germs, and bacteria from the body. Drink filtered water or boiled water. Contaminated water will cause Typhoid. If going out keep a water bottle handy for your kids and avoid drinking water from common taps.

 Iron the clothes

Dampen clothes always lead to fungal infection. It is always good to iron the clothes to kill the microorganisms.

 Stock up your monsoon kit

Always have a cold and cough emergency medical kit at home which includes cough syrup, balm, vaporizer, vitamin c supplements, and basic medicines after taking proper advice from a pediatrician. Applying mosquito repellents or creams will help avoid mosquito bites. A mosquito net will also do wonders.

Self-care and personal hygiene

Try to keep your surroundings dry and clean. Sanitize your hands before cooking. Give regular baths to your kids. A hot water bath is recommended once a time in a day. Make sure your kids wash their hands before and after meals.

Make your kids wear full pants and full sleeves t-shirt/shirt or full sleeves pajama set. Change the clothes even if it slightly wet. Dress your kids in loose cotton clothes. Nylon and synthetic wear is a big no in monsoon season. Make sure their uniforms, shoes, and socks are dry before sending them to school. Use a good antiseptic soap or liquid and mask to ensure safety. Good talcum powder can also be used to keep the skin dry. Use prickly heat powder whenever needed.

 A light meal for children in monsoon

Avoid pickles, tamarind, and other sour foods as they promote water retention. Reduce the consumption of meat and fish. Provide your kids with a light meal as their digestive system is slow in the monsoon season. Food should always be eaten fresh and hot. Monsoon is the best time for breeding bacteria so avoid reheating the food. I recommend hot turmeric milk to be given to all kids once a day during monsoon season. Try not to eat out too often and prepare a lunchbox with homemade food for kids. Avoid fresh fruit juices which are served in the market as flies are on the rise in this season.

 Hope you find these tips useful and your family remains safe during this season.

Keep your kid safe and enjoy the monsoon.



Megha writes on a broad range of subjects for websites and continues to ensure her business clients are advantaged by her writing skills. She is a content creator and academic writer. She is a also Human Resource Professional and a Lecturer in University. After becoming a Mother, Megha set herself up as a freelance writer and consultant. 





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