Dealing With Picky Eaters And Instilling Healthy Eating Habits
Some children are extremely picky about eating that can cause a lot of worry with mothers and parents, as pleasing the child to eat can be a daunting experience...
Some children are extremely picky about eating that can cause a lot of worry with mothers and parents, as pleasing the child to eat can be a daunting experience...
As mothers, we are always judged for our kids built, height and weight and it is almost ingrained that eating or feeding our children is or should be topping in our list of parenting and it definitely adds to the many worries of parents.
There is no doubt that no appetite or fussy eating can hamper growth and mood of a child. So it is a constant effort to make the child eat all the food for nourishment and appropriate growth and learning that a growing child would need for the right growth and development of the child.
Some children are extremely picky about eating that can cause a lot of worry with mothers and parents, as pleasing the child to eat can be a daunting experience and further build frustration and anger and results in uncalled for or unnecessary tensions in moms making meal time, battle times!!
Below are a few tips and tricks that can come in handy to make your situation better:
Being patient with the child is the key. Keeping calm and trying to get into the kid’s perspective can reduce the tension. The taste buds are regenerated every 15 days so one food that was disliked may not stay so for long.
Ideally it is best to introduce to all the tastes at a very young age. That is during the infant stage so that they can adjust to all the different food flavors’. Formula fed babies can have difficulty accepting new tastes easily so it is a good idea to start various foods that a household has in the form that suits an infant. For example feeding roti or chapati soaked in milk/ fruit pulp/vegetable pulp/dal after 10 months of age.
Introduce sweet, salt, spicy and bitter or sour taste in moderation using the most common veggies and fruits that are usually consumed in the house.
Although each house has a set of staple food, that is commonly eaten everyday, it would be a good idea to include seasonal and regional vegetables and fruits in various forms like curries, dals, gravy, salad, dips, sauces, chutneys and desserts that are healthy and provide the body with all the necessary nourishment and can keep the energy level and mood of kids high.
Note that the curries and gravies should be tailor made to kids/ child needs -not too spicy that the child can’t eat nor too bland that child ends up hating it.(keep a portion separate while you cook and then add spice and condiments as per your need)
A tip that you can follow if your kid is picky about eating a certain food and not eating other food would be to conceal certain veggies he/ she hates into a roti wrap or make roti with that vegetable puree for example if tinda is not liked you can cook and mash it and then add it to wheat flour and make rotis with it and they end up being soft and your kid will enjoy. This can be done with carrot, spinach, potato, cauliflower, broccoli etc. Occasionally make puris.
Remember that your child is observing you and doing all that we do and hence setting the right example by eating the above mentioned foods and more in front of them can encourage them to choose those foods and over time enjoy those meal times.
Taking kids grocery shopping and veggie and fruit shopping and allowing them to choose from the store about the choice of items can promote a sense of responsibility in them about it.
- Have a routine for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack so that they are aware of the drill.
- Make them place the items like plate/jugs/jars based on their age and capabilities.
Some values are best inculcated young. Saying a prayer of gratitude for food and the awareness that some people do not have it can also make them feel the need to reduce food wastage and importance of food.
Some picky food habits and picky eating are psychological and need attention at specific pain points. Parents and caretakers should speak to the child or try to understand their psychological needs and few steps can be taken in that regard to correct the problem, look for positive parenting solutions.
Sometimes all the food and meals cannot meet the daily requirements of infants and children and hence they can be given multivitamin syrup, malt drinks, energy drinks, milk etc can be given as per the advice of the pediatrician.
As long as your kid is active and is not showing any signs and symptoms of learning disabilities or growth dysfunction you can be rest assured they are well fed and you need not fret or worry unnecessarily.
Shweta is a food blogger, youtuber and a podcaster – food and living Shwetha and finds passion in cooking healthy recipes. A mom of a busy boy aged 5 and likes to include a lot of hands on activities for him as a learning tool and skill development. Having many passions also work as content writer (love expressing through writing), translator. She is a pharmacist and HR.
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