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Benefits Of Protein In Growing Children

We all want our bundles of joy to be healthy and vibrant and protein is one of the sources which provides energy and takes care of the wear and tear...

Benefits Of Protein In Growing Children
Photo by Nicole De Khors from Burst 



We all want our bundles of joy to be healthy and vibrant and protein is one of the sources which provides energy and takes care of the wear and tear of the body, which your child gets subjected to; during his or her romping and playing. Here are the other benefits of giving protein rich foods to your sunshine. Read on - 

 Eating more protein helps your kid in:

  1. Gaining more muscle as compared to fat and decreases the chances of getting obese.
  2. Comfortable growth: The intake of proteins also mitigates the side effects like anemia, dizziness and fatigue during the day or while playing.
  3. Strong immune system: Kids who eat the right amount of protein also have better immune systems than the ones who do not.
  4. Healthy body: Research has indicated that eating protein can mitigate or remove side effects of an illness such as weight loss, sore muscles, fatigue and frequent infections during a major illness.
  5. Less bloating: More protein in diet reduces unnecessary fluid retention in the body.

Sources of Protein

 The best sources of protein are:

  1. Organically produced eggs: these are the most wholesome and nutritional.
  2. Fish, Fish high in mercury content, such as shark, should be avoided, although pomfret and shrimp are allowed.
  3. Chicken: Chicken breast is the most suitable.
  4. Other lean meat: Grass fed meat is the best option.
  5. Vegetarian options: Vegetarians can eat beans, fruits and vegetables high in protein, especially bananas, which contain good amount of protein.
  6. Dairy Products: Milk, curd and soya beans are excellent sources of protein as well and so are sprouts and lentils, so your daily protein requirements can easily be met, whether you are vegan or not.

Is too much protein beneficial or harmful?

While it is important to eat protein, too much of a good thing can also become a detriment. If a child eats more protein than is necessary, it can prove harmful to the kid and may impair his or her growth. Studies have shown that high protein diets infact inhibit the growth as a result of skewed eating.

Protein supplements for kids?

It is generally considered an unwise choice for kids to take protein powders because of the many ingredients which can pose threats to their health. Protein powders are considered supplements and the FDA leaves it to the discretion of the manufacturers of these products to evaluate their products’ safety and labeling.

Doctors, however, advise against the use of supplements because of the following facts:

  1. Protein powders may include certain additives like extra vitamins, caffeine or artificial flavors which may harm your child in the long run.
  2. Almost all protein powders available are lactose-based and may not suit children who are allergic to them.
  3. Most protein supplements are high in sugar or contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame or acesulfame potassium and thaumatin which should be avoided at all costs.
  4. Heavy metals such as arsenic, and cadmium may also be present in them which are hazardous to health.
  5. They may contain lead which is hazardous for the child’s brain.



Eating healthy need not be stressful, if you are a little careful. We all want our bundles of joy to stay, well, bundles of joy. In order to do that, however, we need to make sure that we give them the right diet and foods that are right for them.  However, that doesn’t mean that your child has to live like a saint. He or she only has to eat sensibly. Feel free to indulge in those cravings, though in moderation, but do indulge as a happy kid is a healthy kid!



Aarti Puri
Aarti Puri is Harvard educated and the founder and CEO of Magnolia Kids, a primary school. She is a psychologist, writer and teacher trainer. She's starting her YouTube Video channel for moms and kids soon!



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