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A Healthy Child, Sign Of A Happy Mommy

A healthy mom equals to a healthy baby! Read more on the do's and don'ts of a happy pregnancy.

The Mom Store; Blog Post; Healthy Baby; baby fever; Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels


Hello reader, your blogger Monika is back with one more striking life experience to share with you all. As you all know currently I am processing my post-pregnancy condition. What I learned and realized in both pregnancies is that it is very important for a mother to be happy and fit. Health and fitness are not only physical but mental and emotional too. 

I know our surroundings play a crucial role in it but it is equally our responsibility to keep ourselves happy and fit. I have seen a huge difference in my both the child. Even I am dealing with the situation distinctly. So what are we waiting for, let's jump into the points which we can look forward to.

  1. Do what makes you happy: I am saying this because, in our first pregnancy, we are passing through a hard time with our physical and hormonal changes. So to make the whole process sunshine pre and post-pregnancy, it is essential for a mommy to be happy. Yes, you have to check with your gynaec for sure. But keep yourself happy eat, read, work out, dance or just walk. Do what you like but please do something for yourself. This will release happy hormones in the body.

  2. Complete the medicine course: I can understand how difficult it is difficult anyone to take medicine for more than a year especially iron tablets. But make sure that if you are not comfortable with the tablets, you fulfill the requirement by your diet. Like eating lots of leafy and green vegetables, and juices, eating fruits, soups, and dry fruits. This way you and your baby both will be healthy and fit.

  3. Listen to instrumental music and Mantras: You know why I emphasize instrumental music. It helps in reducing with anxiety and depression. It will make your mind light and improve sleep quality. On the other hand, Mantras will create a positive aura and vibes within you. But you need to be persistent in that.  

  4. Do what is right for you and your baby: You must have heard that people are just waiting to advise as it is free of cost. They will give you a whole list of do's and don'ts in pregnancy.  Don't load yourself with everything you hear. It's completely your call to decide what is right for you and your baby. If you will do everything that other says, you will end up impacting your inner instincts. 

  5. Enjoy the phase as it will never come again: I didn't mean that you won't be pregnant again. Yes you can it is your choice. This phase won't be the same next time. So every day will be a new experience and a different priority. So don't waste time thinking and worrying about how you will handle it ahead. Enjoy the present and gradually plan for tomorrow.

    You can preserve this phase of yours with our beautiful The Mom Store Journals and Milestone Accessories or even with our unique DIY Breastmilk Jewellery Kit.

  6. Flaunt your baby bump: It is very trending nowadays. Earlier people used to say you must hide your baby bump. But now you get so many fashionable, stylish, and comfortable pregnancy outfits from The Mom Store Maternity Clothing Collection to flaunt your baby bump confidently.

    Do pregnancy shoot, wear comfortable yet chick outfits. Check out The Mom Store Baby Shower and Photoshoot Gowns to flaunt yourself out!

I hope this blog will bring little smiles to all the mom-to-be. Stay happy, stay healthy this is your choice.



About The Author:

The Mom Store; Blog Author; Monika Kothari

Monika is a blogger outside the experience in import and export company as a Public Relation Executive, Marketing Executive in outdoor media firm. She is a house wife and a mother of beautiful daughter. She is passionate about writing her experience and sharing it to the world. 


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