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Important Things You Must include in the Hospital Bag

Here is some advice from a mother, whose hospital bag was well-packed with all the necessary things almost a month before she was due… 


A would-be mother experiences a range of emotions when her baby is about to arrive into the world. However excited and nervous she may be, this is also an important time to be practical and keep her hospital bag ready, so that there are no last moment delays or confusions. Here is some advice from a mother, whose hospital bag was well-packed with all the necessary things almost a month before she was due.. 

For the mother

  • Nursing Bras
    I used nursing bras day in and day out when I was breastfeeding. They’re easy to use and get the job done well. If you’re shopping in advance, make sure you buy a size accordingly since you could go a size up. 
  • Toiletries
    While your hospital will provide you with the toiletries, make sure you keep your own given the tempestuous times. A towel, flip flops, comb, face wash and two pairs of clothes should do you good. 
  • Sanitary Napkins 
    You’re going to be having a heavy vaginal flow of blood post-delivery, so make you keep at least two to three packets of sanitary napkins. I used Nine sanitary pads and continued to use them even today. They’re soft, light, comfortable, long and most importantly- never cause any rashes. 
  • Breast Pads
    If you have a good flow of breastmilk right at the outset, you could soak your shirt in it and find it very uncomfortable. Trust me- breast pads are a blessing! 
  • Breast Pump
    Though a breast pump has its own set of disadvantages, you may like to use it to enhance supply. If you’re absolutely sure that you would like to use it, especially if you’re a working mom, buy your own breast pump since it’s a lot more hygienic.
  • Nursing Pillows
    Ah! I used a nursing pillow well into month three of breastfeeding. You can just strap it on and go ahead and feed your bub and watch TV or do online shopping without any hassle! 
  • Loose, Comfy Undies
    You’re going to be using them for a longer time than you imagine, so keep at least a dozen ready. The PJs are just as important. 
  • Miscellaneous
    Don’t forget to keep your documents, phone charger, socks, medicines (which are to be used only after approval from your doctor) and quilt or pillows. . 

For the Baby 

  • Formula Milk & Bottles

Most mothers want to breastfeed, but for those who don’t want to or for those whose milk comes in late; you can carry formula milk even though your hospital will already have it. 

  • Diapers

Get ready for a baby who is going to be pooping a lot, so keep a ton of diapers ready! 

  • Swaddle

Babies are warm and fuzzy in the womb, and thus like to be swaddle to feel warm and secure. 

  • Mittens, caps, socks

They’re an absolute must for your baby aside from his or her regular clothes. Check out our Mittens, caps & socks collection.


Namrata Gulati Sapra is a passionate part time journalist blogger and a fulltime passionate mommy, whose journey in motherhood is nothing like she expected it to be, she believes. When she isn't blogging or mommying, she is enjoying her cuppa and Netflixing! 


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