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The Best Ways to Support a New Mom

As we all agree that motherhood is a divine feeling, but with motherhood here comes a lot of other things which a new mommy should be well aware of...and in...

As we all agree that Transition into motherhood is a divine feeling, but with motherhood here comes a lot of other things which a new mommy should be well aware of...and in this phase of new challenges, her friends and family should always be there to cope with the new issues which always accompany the new parents, especially the new mommies.
Greetings to all my readers, this blog of mine is a gentle reminder to all the beautiful new mommies that how important are you to your baby and family so don't forget to prioritize yourself as well in the process of parenting.
Yes, as soon as a woman becomes a mother she puts all of herself over the nurturing and caring of her baby. I am not saying that this is not correct, but at the same time as an individual a mother's desires, requirements or feelings do matter.
So let's talk about the things exactly a new mommy and her close ones should be mindful of and what can be done to be in the harmony with the same.
  • Don't let a new mommy be alone

 Usually, during the period of delivery, the family members accompany the new parent but after a few days,weeks postpartum the new mum only is supposed to be there for the baby. But as per my say, there always be some family member with whom the new mommy feels bonded and secure, should be present so that the journey of motherhood cannot become a tiring process. The new mum should be entitled and supported to enjoy the new and most beautiful phase of her life.

  • Ask for help whenever you feel like
Don't try to be a superwoman, you have your limitations, accept them and ask for help whenever you feel like. Because to be in good mental and physical health you need some help definitely and by doing so you don't become weak rather it strengthens you.
  • Help the new mommy to complete her sleep
When you become a mum, your sleep takes a back seat and this tolls the overall health of the new mommy. This affects mental and physical health badly. With a bad mood and health, a mommy cannot meet the demands of her baby. Not just this only, lack of sleep can have harmful effects on milk production, the healing process and other issues related to the new mommy.
  • Eating a healthy and balanced diet is of utmost importance
To get her all the strength and viability, the new mommy should be given a healthy meals and balanced diet Mostly Home-cooked Meal that can fulfill the demands of mother and child both. For breastfeeding, for taking care of the baby tirelessly, for awaking extra hours, for the whole new phase, a body needs more energy and viability so having a nutritional and complete diet timely is very important.
  • Appreciating her can do wonders
Trust me, this small token of acknowledgment and appreciation can do wonders, it can work as a medicine for the new mother. As a new mum is still learning, when she gets appreciation, she gets a boost, which releases feel-good hormones and that helps the mother to heal fast and keep her away from depression.
  • Don't forget to complement as how she looks

 This is one of the most important things a new mother feels and gets easily anxious about the same. So this is the responsibility of her husband, her friends and her family to make her feel confident about her looks, and her physical appearance.

  • Parenting is a mutual responsibility
Parenting is not for mommies only, it's a mutual responsibility. Mommies and daddies both are equal participants in the process called parenting and they both have to play their roles properly. Out of these two nobody is a babysitter, rather they both are equally responsible. So fathers should also be there to take care of the baby.
  • A break can be rejuvenating

Parenting Can be exhausting, so taking a small break in between can be self-rewarding and rejuvenating. So if the family and friends can assure the mother that she can take her time off while the baby will be taken care of properly, this can be healing, mentally and physically.

  • Along with health intimate hygiene is also important
During this over-demanding phase, mothers sometimes forget to take care of their health and their intimate hygiene. Intimate hygiene is a very important part of being in good health. And this poor intimate hygiene can lead to problems like infections.
  • Look out for any signs of postpartum depression
This is again the accountability of the family and friends to look out for any sign of postpartum depression, and if there is any symptom, act accordingly. Postpartum depression is a real thing and also a quite neglected element. So if it is understood timely can be treated properly otherwise it takes a long period to resolve and it affects the mother and baby badly.
  • Give her time
For a new mommy, sometimes it is difficult to take all the responsibility and to be in harmony with the new environment. Give her some time, and let her cry it out whenever she has something in her mind. This way you can help her to acknowledge the new phase. And slowly the new mommy will surely acquaint herself with this new identity.
Take away points With the birth of a baby, a mother is also born, and she is overwhelmed, she is still learning...the situation, the identity, she is still healing... from the pain, from the process. So the above-mentioned points are more of accountability for the family and friends. And definitely having a great family and a bunch of good friends on whom a new mother can rely, is a boon. Helping and understanding the needs of a new mommy is equally important as taking good care of the newborn.
With the hope that my readers will find this blog helpful, may I ask you to drop by your thoughts over this blog...This motivates me to write better.
Meet you in my next blog...keep learning.

Happy parenting��

Check Out Infant Essentials by The Mom Store


Dr. Varun Prabha is a dentist and has experience and various qualifications in the healthcare sector. Apart from this, she is a blogger, author, and YouTube host. She loves sharing her parenthood experiences with other mommies.


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