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Some Tips And Tricks To Make Breastfeeding Easy For A New Mom

This one tip worked wonders for me. My husband arranged one comfortable chair, nursing pillow and a table with snacks, my favourite books, burp cloth and nursing pads in my...

Blog Submitted by Urvashi Newar

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Motherhood is indeed the most beautiful journey any woman embarks on. The moment I got to know that I was expecting, my joy knew no bounds. I still fondly remember my first ultrasound appointment; the minute I heard my daughter's heartbeat, I had tears in my eyes. It is so strange that a carefree girl like me turned into a responsible woman in just no time. I think this happens with every woman, you tend to feel responsible from day one, for the tiny human being which you and your husband created with so much love. 

While I was pregnant, I made it a point to read well about pregnancy, delivery and of course breastfeeding. In fact, I also joined classes about breastfeeding which were taken by a lactation specialist at my doctor's clinic. Breastfeeding is not an easy task for any new mom, but it does give a different level of satisfaction and is one of the best ways to bond with your little one. In this blog I would be sharing a few tips and tricks which helped me greatly during this phase:

  1. Feed your baby within one or two hours of your delivery: The first few hours post your delivery are very crucial when it comes to breastfeeding. My lactation consultant told me about the importance of colostrum; which are the first few drops of breastmilk. So, make sure you feed your baby within one- or two-hours post-delivery.
  2. Position is important: I always made sure that my daughter's stomach touched mine while I was nursing her, this way she did not had to turn her head for latching. I was told it is important that you point your nipple on your baby's nose, then she will lift her head up and you will easily get a deep latch.
  3. Create a nursing place in your home: This one tip worked wonders for me. My husband arranged one comfortable chair, nursing pillow and a table with snacks, my favourite books, burp cloth and nursing pads in my room. This really helped me a lot as everything I needed was handy. While my baby enjoyed her favourite food, I relaxed by reading.
  4. Your diet is important: You won't believe but a new mom needs more calories when she is nursing her than when she is pregnant. Make sure you have three well balanced meals daily and a few nutritious snacks at regular intervals. Also, it is important to keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water, fresh juices and coconut water.

Now that you know all the tips and tricks, go ahead enjoy this wonderful phase of motherhood. I know nursing can be challenging for a new mom but remember it is the best way to bond with your little one. My daughter is now almost three years old but still I nurse her to sleep. It is a special bond which I will cherish forever.



Urvashi Newar has a great passion for writing. She has been into this line for almost 7 years. Mom to a 3 year old girl, she loves penning down her thoughts on motherhood. She believes in sharing her motherhood journey to help new moms.

Urvashi Newar has a great passion for writing. She has been into this line for almost 7 years. Mom to a 3 year old girl, she loves penning down her thoughts on motherhood. She believes in sharing her motherhood journey to help new moms.



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