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Post Pandemic Effects on Kindergarten Children

Though physical school is a new concept, the little buds came to school with enthusiasm, a lot of excitement and readiness to quickly adapt to the school atmosphere. Let us discuss...

Kindergarten is the foundation for a child to grow up with good humanity and habits. It consists of PRE – KG, LKG and UKG. Due to unexpected circumstances, a pandemic outbreak brought the entire world to a standstill, schools also were immensely affected. After about 2.5 years' kindergarten opened in the month of February. Though physical school is a new concept, the little buds came to school with enthusiasm, a lot of excitement and readiness to quickly adapt to the school atmosphere.

Let us discuss some key outcomes of kindergarten children during post pandemic.

  • Smart behavior:

 The children were smart and excited on the very first day of the physical schooling, they were eager to start identifying the teachers and asking for the other subject teachers. Though they had only online exposure but moved smoothly as if they knew the kindergarten teachers and campus earlier.

  • Learning attitude:

During online sessions some children were not able to sit through the entire sessions as their peer group was not there. Though there was a slight lagging and learning gap in the pandemic period, the learning attitude is more positive after coming to physical schooling/formal schooling . They are able to sit and focus the full day kindergarten as they were longing to be with their peer group.

  • Participate

As a preschool program we follow a diverse style of teaching methods for the success of the Kindergarten students. We have varieties of primary school activities both in academic skills and non-academic / social skills to make the children feel more comfortable coming to school. Ongoing continuous activity is what the children needed the most and missed during the pandemic period, they have been very excited and participative in all activities.

  • Social

The pandemic period forced children to interact with each other online, they terribly missed the simple conversations, lunch breaks, break times and games. Children were very eager after getting their sense of community, to make new friends and they were very friendly with preschool teacher. 

  • Co-operative

Willingness to learn, being cooperative and more disciplined is the best part of the post pandemic effects on kindergarten children. Children are very flexible and adaptive, they tend to switch beautifully between the changing school environment, from online to offline and vice-versa. As parents, we must give them importance, spare time for little conversations with them, and monitor if their school work is completed instead of overreacting negatively and criticising school , kindergarten program or teachers or teacher reports. As young kindergarten children micro observe parent's actions, words and remarks, be careful and act with precaution, watch your words and always have a positive attitude about school with your children in kindergarten .

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Lakshmi Sakthi Alagappan lives in Thanjavur in Tamilnadu, India. She is an  administrative officer at Blossom Public School. She likes reading books, listening to music and surfing.

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