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Perception of Pre-Kindergarten

Pre-kindergarten schooling enhances children's learning experience. Find out more!


The Mom Store; Blog Post; Kindergarten; Back to School; Perception of Pre-Kindergarten; Photo by La-Rel Easter on UnsplashPhoto by La-Rel Easter on Unsplash

Parents In India, pre-kindergarten schooling caters to children aged between 2.6 to 3.6 years. In the bustling educational landscape of India, where a nurturing and knowledgeable environment prevails, the commitment of educators to enhance children's learning experiences is paramount. 

Recently, a parent-teacher meeting was conducted at a prestigious private school in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. This meeting exclusively involved parents of the 100 students enrolled in the pre-kindergarten section. The purpose was to understand their feedback. 

Here's an overview of our cherished parents' perceptions.

  1. Willingness to Attend School
    Encouraging toddlers to embrace school routines isn't simple. Overcoming morning lethargy and initiating the day's activities requires effort. However, parents universally appreciated our school’s approach. Their children displayed eagerness to attend, a testament to the positive atmosphere fostered by our institution.

  2. Basic Life Skills
    Parents noted significant progress in their children's basic life skills. From toilet training to dressing themselves, our pupils exhibited commendable improvement, a testament to the school’s dedicated efforts. 
  1. Consistency in Academics
    While some might question the academic rigor for such young learners, parents were reassured by our proactive communication. They were kept informed about the syllabus, including lessons on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, and animals. This transparency fostered confidence among parents regarding their children's academic journey.
  1. Curiosity and Activities
    Parents observed enhanced curiosity and improved hand-eye coordination in their children, attributing it to engaging activities such as puzzles, stringing beads, and various cognitive exercises conducted at school.
  1. Importance of Pencil Grip
    Parents appreciated our focus on fine motor skills. The activity books provided demonstrated the importance of proper pencil grip, a skill parents noticed their children practicing at home.

  2. Child Behaviour
    Understanding and managing children's behavior is crucial. Parents shared common challenges, such as children's stubbornness and possessiveness, acknowledging positive changes since their enrolment at our school.
  1. 7. Usage of Mobile Devices
    Parents expressed concerns about excessive mobile device usage, which they attributed to pandemic-induced circumstances. Speech delays and reduced responsiveness were reported, prompting our school to offer guidance on limiting gadget usage.
  1. Sharing about Tiny Talents
    Parents were enthusiastic about the Tiny Talents program, showcasing their children's dancing and singing abilities. The program, aimed at nurturing artistic talents, received widespread parental support.
  1. Enquiry about Summer Schooling
    While a few parents inquired about summer schooling activities, others showed immediate interest. However, some had prior commitments, indicating varied parental priorities.

  2. Inquisitiveness about the Next Academic Year
    Parents, looking ahead to the transition to Lower Kindergarten (LKG), sought information on timings, uniforms, and meals. The school provided comprehensive details, leaving parents well-informed about the upcoming academic year. 

In conclusion, the parents' feedback reflected a unanimous sentiment. Parents ought to select schools that provide stress-free education and more insights into real-world knowledge. This indicates a positive and nurturing educational environment for our pandemic-born pre-kindergarten learners.



About The Author:

Lakshmi Sakthi Alagappan lives in Thanjavur in Tamilnadu, India. She is an administrative officer at Blossom Public School. She likes reading books, listening to music, and surfing.



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