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Mother - Our First Teacher

Mother plays a very important role in the life of all of us, or we can say that she is our first teacher who teaches us walking till life lessons....


Being a mother is the most wonderful feeling in the world, and only a mother can feel it.

As God has given us many powers that we have like endurance, mothering, ability to keep quiet and many more. That is why perhaps God made us feel so special and gave us so much power that we could give birth to another life just like ours, it is not that a father does nothing for his child, he does everything for them, but the love that a mother gives to her children, the education that a mother gives, may not be given by anyone else.

Mother plays a very important role in the life of all of us, or we can say that she is our first teacher who teaches us walking till life lessons. I still remember the day when I was late and mom had saved me from my father’s scolding, but then made me explain too that “it is not good if you come home late regularly” as we are worried about you.

Now I am a mother too, and I can understand her feelings and worries very well, sometimes we should be strict with the children for their well being.

Here are some important lessons which we all learnt from our mothers and now we should give them to our child-

  • Sharing is caring – 
  • It is an important thing we should teach to our kid, and it starts from home. Nowadays it is in trend that we all have a single child and for a single child it is very difficult to make them understand about sharing their things with the other child. But if we start this from home and we regularly teach them that they should share their stuff with their classmates, friends and any other child too.

  • Respect their elders – 
  • We should teach them that we should always respect our elders, It is very important to respect not only the elders who live in the house but also those who are older than you outside too.

  • Be happy with what you have – 
  • It was a little difficult to explain to a 5 years old toddler that “be happy in what we have” and I was so happy when I was able to explain this thing to my 5 years old child in this lockdown period and he understood this.

  • Need or Want –
  • The wishes of the children should be fulfilled but it is not necessary that every little wish of theirs should be fulfilled so our children should also know whether the mom will fulfill our wish or not, they should understand the difference between their needs or wants.

  • My mom is my friend –
  • Children should be aware that you are their friends too. Apart from teaching your children, it is very important for a mother to play with them, talk to them, and have fun with them. So that your children will share their thoughts with you without any hesitation. 

    On this mother’s day specially in this pandemic I want to salute to all mothers who are taking care of the family along with their kids, and even they are now a real teacher for them as they have to sit with their kids in virtual schooling and make them learn all the things at home only.

    Here are 7 awesome ways which tells on how to make your child independent

    I shared my feelings and experience with all of the mothers. 

    I hope you have liked this blog, if yes then please hit like and you can write your opinions as well.

    Geetanjali is a mother of a 4 years old little champ, whose name is Kian. By professional she is an MBA who worked in the corporate sector for 7 years, but after giving birth, he is the only priority. Now ,she is a part time mom blogger, a part time home tutor. She also makes learning videos on youtube for kids and food recipes. She is a full time mother who loves to share knowledge and try new things.


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