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How To Improve Your Toddler's Social Skills In An Online Education Scenario

Schools/preschools/play ways are the first places where toddlers acquire their social independence. The schools have been closed for the past year and a half, and other sites are not suited for children. As a result, most...


COVID-19, we don’t know how long it will stay in India as the third wave is now expected to come. Schools/preschools/play ways are the first places where toddlers acquire their social independence. The schools have been closed for the past year and a half, and other sites are not suited for children. As a result, most parents, including myself, are now concerned about our children's social and emotional development. For a child to maintain a healthy social environment throughout his or her life, socio-emotional development is critical.

Although this is not an issue for all the children, some kids are hesitant and while some of them are quite active and chatty at home, but never say anything in public. This topic's major focus is on these anxious kids. These children will generally hide behind their parents in any social event or situation or may begin to avoid eye contact with anyone in front of them who is speaking to them. 

I've been in similar circumstances with my daughter, therefore in order to cope, I began looking for strategies to deal with them throughout this time. So, I came up with the concept that while staying at home, I might utilise a variety of techniques to inspire my child to take on this challenging problem. 

Use daily events to support your toddler’s social skills as follows:

  • Act the events outside the home: Make up the event for the child to help him or her comprehend what will happen in a few hours or days. For instance, prepare some flashcards for a conversation about your forthcoming visit to the railway reservations desk or during your train ride. This may assist the child in preparing for the next event.

  • Talking to neighbours without actually visiting them (COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS): Although we are now restricting visits, this method works well for certain children; nonetheless, the neighbourhood is something that is as accessible as possible. We may communicate with them through the terrace or in front of the home gates. Help your children become friends by encouraging them to chat and play with other children in the neighbourhood. For nervous children, having friends is a tremendous healer.

  • Pretend plays: Start conversations with a playful environment with the help of some toys like a mechanical tool kit can be used for a visit to a mechanic to have your car get repaired, a kitchen set can be used to create an environment of guest coming home, this can assist them in learning how to welcome and serve visitors.

  • Make it casual: While teaching your child about the social conventions of greeting and chatting with visitors at home, don't always make them the centre of attention. Allow them to get over themselves and take their time to understand society's basic requirements. For example, some parents may encourage their children to perform a song or rhyme in front of guests, which may be inappropriate for the reluctant child and puts them in a negative dilemma.

  • Self-assurance: Encourage your children to be self-sufficient by allowing them to explore their interests. The self-confidence they developed while following their interests cannot be replicated by any parenting method or technique. Their own accomplishments boost their self-esteem and enable them to speak up loudly in social situations.

  • Create live rhyme concerts for them with close relatives: This doesn't mean you have to put your child in a difficult scenario; simply leave them alone and let them sing anything they want with the karaoke mode turned on. Casually start singing with him or her to allow them to enjoy the moment. You can accomplish this on an offline line or in an online manner, whichever is most convenient for you. As a result, the child begins to amuse others while also acquiring comfort on stage.

  • Videos Making- A Dance Play: Shy children are not always timid in front of their parents, so let them dance or join in on the dance game, and by producing films and sending them to the people the children care about, they will feel more connected and open to them.

  • Talk to relatives over phone calls: Phone/video conversations with friends and family can help youngsters gain confidence since they don't have to confront the people in front of them; instead, they feel free to say anything they want, without fear of being judged. This will eventually enable kids to learn how to ask questions and confidently respond to whatever is said.

  • Many studies have revealed that these reluctant children have at least one introverted parent, who have struggled to overcome similar conditions in their childhood. As a result, I'd like to provide some advice to those parents that I've read someplace " Want to see a difference in your kid? Be an influencer." In this manner, you may encourage your family.

    These are the techniques I used to encourage my daughter; try them out and see if they work for you, or find what works best for you and share it with us in the comments area below.



    Simranjeet Kaur has a master’s degree in bioinformatics. She manages her institute for grades I-XII (all disciplines) by teaching Science and Mathematics to higher secondary students. Her greatest passion most times involved homeschooling her kid. Since being a mother to a daughter, she has enjoyed reading all parenting blogs, which has sparked her interest in writing.

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    Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mom Store.




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