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Handling a Toddler Meltdown Is Not That Tough: Know How

A toddler meltdown can be frustrating for you as a parent, especially if it happens in a public place. In this blog, we will help you know about the science...

Blog Submitted by Urvashi NewarToddler Meltdowns

Photo by Tong Nguyen van on Unsplash

A toddler meltdown can be frustrating for you as a parent, especially if it happens in a public place. In this blog, we will help you know about the science behind a toddler meltdown and how you can deal with it so that your little one doesn't throw a fit again 

Living with a toddler isn't easy and we agree to it as they can get upset over just anything. A child's tantrum is a storm of emotions, which are generally loss, anger, deep frustration and disappointment in a toddler. This kind of emotional outbreak in a toddler can lead to screaming, hitting, biting, kicking, falling down, holding breath, banging their head and throwing things. 

Now that you have a brief idea about a toddler meltdown, let us provide you with some easy tips to handle the same:


  1. Use simple choices or distract your little one: When you see that your toddler is forming a tantrum, you must alleviate it promptly by handling the issue at hand. For instance, if your toddler is refusing to have their breakfast, then do not force them to eat, because this will bring on more emotions, instead you can ask them to choose to eat the bread or the milk first. Your toddler's thinking brain is activated when your ask them questions which simple choices. You can also distract your little one to excite their logical brain. Distractions like letting them have another toy (not the one they wanted) or you can sing a rhyme to divert your toddler's attention plus raise their curiosity. Engage your kids by giving them toys which allows them to stay busy and develop motor skills while playing.


  1. No point reasoning because your little one won't hear: If your toddler is having a meltdown in full swing, then you will not be able to teach their verbal functions and thinking brain. You might end up upsetting your toddler plus arousing their emotions even more if you try to reason at that point of time.


  1. Restore their emotional balance: As a parent, you can restore your child's emotional balance by hugging them. This will activate the calming system in your child's body and will regulate their emotions. However, you must first calm yourself, otherwise you might make your child more stressed. 


  1. Stay calm but do not give in: It is a known fact that kids mimic what adults do and this includes an adult's control over their emotions. If you get angry and start shouting at your child when they throw a tantrum, you are actually teaching them how they should react when things are not happening the way they want. However, if you stay calm, they will learn how to face difficulties in life without losing control of their emotions.

 Here is a blog which tells about the things which bring joy on a little one's face.

We are sure after reading this blog, you agree that handling a toddler meltdown is not that tough. With a little patience and persistence, even difficult kids can learn to integrate their emotional plus logical brains and stop utilizing tantrums as outlets. Happy Parenting!

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Mom Store 

Urvashi Newar has a great passion for writing. She has been into this line for almost 7 years. Mom to a 3 year old girl, she loves penning down her thoughts on motherhood. She believes in sharing her motherhood journey to help new moms. Urvashi Newar has a great passion for writing. She has been into this line for almost 7 years. Mom to a 3 year old girl, she loves penning down her thoughts on motherhood. She believes in sharing her motherhood journey to help new mothers 


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