Dodging Mom Life
One thing that often comes to my mind when I crave for such a time is that why do I want an escape from the people and place I love...
One thing that often comes to my mind when I crave for such a time is that why do I want an escape from the people and place I love...
The claustrophobia of the lockdown seems to be getting on the nerves and time at home which we craved for once, now seems never ending.
The clamour around the house and my juggling between characters has my mind calling out louder each day ‘I NEED TO ESCAPE’. You know its time for a TIME OUT,
That’s when it becomes absolutely necessary to go on a mom only vacay. It surely is not a luxury but a necessity to keep yourself sane, normal, healthy and to pull through each coming day. It is in fact the best gift you can give yourself and your family, time with yourself, to be refreshed and charged before you are back on duty.
Well, the options you have here are countless for all budgets, you may want to
Wait! Before we get further into day dreaming about these fantasy getaways, let’s get back to today’s reality. All of the above options are going to be kind of just fantasies only in the near future. So, what about the vacay? Should we give up the idea and keep going crazy at home? Of course not, we can have some mini hideout plans at zero budget.
One thing that often comes to my mind when I crave for such a time is that why do I want an escape from the people and place I love most, my family and my home. Is it being selfish or shying away from my responsibilities? And then I think of the last time I took the break and the positive benefits it brought with itself. Some of my takeaways are:
Dear Super Moms,
If you have been putting aside a desire just because it was not priority over things that were more spontaneous and need of the hour, its high time you made room for it. Making time for something you love to do is all it takes to begin with. Do take that much needed vacation within the capacity of your time and budget.
You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself.
See you on the other side!!!
Click here to know about to spend "Me-time"
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