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Discovery Of A New Father

There were times when I was upset with my husband of not contributing his parts well to this journey. I turned into a complete complain box and wasn’t happy with...

Discovery Of A New Father

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash 

As kind as he is, I just saw him being very reserved and rarely expressive of his feelings, but there was a special charm in my man which made me fall for him. You can’t judge a book by its cover and so someone with just one meeting or few years, believe it takes time to learn things about people. And in any relationship time plays an important role, let people experience, let them learn and let them change accordingly.

This is the story of an ordinary man with whom I fell in love because of his simplicity and kindness and gradually I discovered an extraordinary person in him who doesn’t express much but can go to any miles to let his family and loved ones feel safe, feel protected.

My journey to motherhood wasn’t easy and I faced lot of complications in both my pregnancies. I conceived for the first time after years of struggle and the whole family supported us with every little help they could and I didn’t realize the complications of that difficult pregnancy at all. Because I had my people around for everything. They all were equally excited and once everything went well, my Mom still didn’t leave me alone and did everything to support that initial days of motherhood.

There were times when I was upset with my husband of not contributing his parts well to this journey. I turned into a complete complain box and wasn’t happy with his excuses of not changing the diapers too. Though it wasn’t completely like that, he used to play with him, take him out, talk to him but hardly ever changed diapers. That really annoyed me.

After five years I conceived again and it turned out to be the one of the most critical pregnancies. I had complete placenta previa and with frequent bleeding episodes I was advised complete bed rest. It was not supposed to be easy as we had a little school going boy to look after too. And then came my Saviour, my sister in law who took the whole responsibility of mine in her hands so that I could just be on stress free rest mode.

But then I discovered a different father to my child. Who single handily took the command of his on self and without ever making me realize am of no help to my child he did everything for him. Before that our son never slept without me by his side and it was difficult for us to make him understand mom can’t sleep along his side. But a father did it successfully. I couldn’t believe myself and the fear I had before when I thought that he is not being a dutiful father just vanished. All those thoughts turned illusionary when I witnessed a father and a mother in one man and in few days.

Right from waking him to helping him up with his routine, dressing him for school to dropping him up. Right from feeding him all the meals to making him sleep by his side telling all the beautiful stories, I witnessed changing my husband from an adoring father to a dutiful one I can never forget.

I realized how wrong I was, it was all about time, the day he knew I won’t be able to do my duties, he took everything up on himself just to make sure I don’t suffer with any kind of guilt and take the complete bed rest as advised. Not for a second he put me in any kind of fear or shame and made sure I enjoy my pregnancy what if It was critical. Everything went well and we were blessed with our second child and because I was weak due to severe blood loss during operation and not well to immediately handle the newborn he just like that did everything right from changing the nappies to bringing the baby close to me so that he learns to latch on me. It even took my mom to surprise because she too saw a complete different father in him that day. Out of curiosity I just asked him about this change and he simply said, “For a little baby I wasn’t ever sure about self and trusted you more but this phase turned me into a different person altogether, and I bet sweetheart now am better than anyone else.”

We laughed it loud that day but it made me learn an important lesson about relationships and people, you can’t simply make anyone change or force them to realize the importance of new relationships in life, some people immediately adapt new responsibilities, some do take a bit of time. But it doesn’t mean they don’t accept the new relationship, it’s just that they trust you more than themselves in certain things till the right time comes and they start trusting self too. And with this beautiful realization I discovered a wonderful father to my kids.


Sarita Shukla Sarita Shukla is a Graduate in Microbiology and MBA in HR, currently staying in Navi Mumbai. She is a proud Homemaker and mom to two naughty, cute little boys. Writing is her passion and blogging gave her a wonderful way to fulfil it. She writes Quotes, Captions, short stories and blogs right from her personal experiences, current topics, to the stories. Many of her stories won on various online platforms. She is a passionate writer and reader. 


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