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Depression Is Real - Let's Not Ignore It

Depression is real; let's not ignore it - instead, let's learn about it and help one another...

Depression Is Real - Let's Not Ignore It

Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash 

How it feels like to be imprisoned inside

Fighting with the known world is easy

But the unknown fear in, is terrifying


The waves of pincer like pain

Keeps pummelling the brain

Your body seems dragged down

Deep down into some sea

Where you can’t uplift yourself back at ease


Feels like world outside is just mocking us

When the self attacking thoughts tumbles like volcanoes

You start searching for the lost things

Unaware of the fact that what just lost is you


Then you try to recall all the beautiful memories

But it seems like such moments never happened with you

Lips smile, eyes don’t , Heart is somewhere else and the soul weeps

Feels like walking in the shroud, tired all that emotionless body Wish is to sleep


They think a sad face dressed in black

In real it smiles but is numb and lifeless

The heart is heavy, the throat feels choked

Eyes want to pour tears but everything is put to hold


The Clouds are dark, Wide and Far

Oh! Dear hope Where you are ?

Yes, the sight to hope just keep getting hazy

And one feels unwanted and dizzy


But if for once one learns to fight

Everything might start turning back right

A supportive shoulder, an ear to hear

May change things and can really save someone close and near


A feeling of being worthy, that feel they matter

Can intact someone back before they completely shatter

Someone so good to make them realise

Failure is just a phase being in the game is intelligent and wise


So stay in, enjoy and live your part

For, your presence in our life always matters the most

Hold on to hope, let’s the eyes speak the truth

Cry if you want, no one will judge you ever

We all are humans, born to understand each other


Sarita Shukla

Sarita Shukla is a Graduate in Microbiology and MBA in HR, currently staying in Navi Mumbai. She is a proud Homemaker and mom to two naughty, cute little boys. Writing is her passion and blogging gave her a wonderful way to fulfil it. She writes Quotes, Captions, short stories and blogs right from her personal experiences, current topics, to the stories. Many of her stories won on various online platforms. She is a passionate writer and reader. 


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