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All About Diapers !

Diapers are an essential for babies and more so, for the moms. But for new moms, they are often skeptical and unsure and constantly flooded with doubts on diapers –...

-Submitted by Priyanka Balwani

Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash

Diapers are an essential for babies and more so, for the moms. But for new moms, they are often skeptical and unsure and constantly flooded with doubts on diapers – when do I start, what’s the right size for my baby, will it give rashes and so on. Well, I have had my share of dilemmas. And through lot of research, I got myself acquainted with all the information and sharing it with all you new moms to give you a head-start into this one crucial aspect of motherhood

When to start: I suggest waiting for one month to a month and a half. Newly born babies don’t pee that often (5-7 pees per day) and hence it can be avoided. Also, babies’ skin is extremely sensitive just then and starts peeling off with the friction, so it’s best to avoid for 30-45 days. As an alternative, you can use old bed sheets to make some use-and-throw nappies for the first few weeks so that you don’t have to worry about cleaning dirty nappies. This will save you from lot of hard work.Diapers are an essential for babies and more so, for the moms. But for new moms, they are often skeptical and unsure and constantly flooded with doubts on diapers – when do I start, what’s the right size for my baby, will it give rashes and so on. Well, I have had my share of dilemmas. And through lot of research, I got myself acquainted with all the information and sharing it with all you new moms to give you a head-start into this one crucial aspect of motherhood

Which brand to choose: Baby’s skin is very sensitive and all babies have different skin type. So the brand that suits one baby, may not suit other. So go for trial packs. Try few brands and see what suits your baby best. Then you can buy the jumbo pack (because it is cost saving).

Size: Always opt for one size bigger. Baby keeps growing in initial weeks. So he/she may outgrow the size (fit), hence wasting the packet.

Type: I chose taped diapers for three months and switched to pant style after that. But again, whatever suits you best.

Usage: I think it is okay for baby to be diaper free at home. It may seem a little tiring to change nappy again and again, especially during rainy season. But it takes only few minutes. I use diaper after massage and bath because babies usually take a long nap after that and you don’t want your baby’s sleep to get disturbed due to wetness. And I recommend overnight use of diapers for the same reason although baby may require a diaper change if he/she wakes up in middle of the night. Another must occasion for diaper is when you are stepping out of the house with your baby; and would suggest carrying 2 extra diapers and wet wipes as a change may be required any time. For the remaining time, I keep my baby diaper-free in a nappy and a pyjama. But if you choose to use a diaper for the whole day, then make sure to give at least 10 minutes of diaper free time in between change. Change diaper after every 3-4 hours even if it has less pee counts to maintain freshness for your baby.

Some Watchouts:

    • Diaper free time is must.
    • Always apply oil on parts covered with diaper.
    • Diaper rash cream is used to avoid rashes, so don’t wait to use to after rash appears. Invest in a good rash cream and apply it always on baby’s delicate parts before wearing him/ her diaper.
    • Keep a check on poop. If baby is left with potty filled diaper for long time, it harms the skin.
    • Check leak proof extensions in diaper.

 Taking care of diaper rash: even after taking all precautions, you may see diaper rash on your munchkin’s skin. Don’t worry or panic. Avoid diaper for a day or two. Keep applying coconut oil oil on rash at regular intervals and pamper your baby a lot. 

Cloth Diapers : These can also be used if you want to. These are machine washable. Absorbs 3-4 pee. Size can be easily adjusted and a safe option. They are a little heavy on pocket, but in long run the costing of both is almost same.

And that’s all from me on Diapers! Hope this helps.


Priyanka Balwani is a software engineer currently SAHM To Aarav, shuffling in between old-school ways and modern ways of parenting. Writing has always been her passion and believes that motherhood is the highest form of empowerment.


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