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‘Me-time’ For Parents

Becoming a parent is a blessing indeed, for there are joys that you have never had experienced before. From the glimpse of your child's first smile to the first steps,...

Becoming a parent is a blessing indeed, for there are joys that you have never experienced before. From the glimpse of your child's first smile to the first steps, from the first word to the first day of school, you relive your own childhood again. But parenting is no cake-walk. Taking care of a child is a full-time job, and it requires tremendous energy level, effort and patience. At the same time, it is exhausting as well. It does not matter how old your child is, whether you have a newborn baby, a toddler, or a teenager, each day is a tiring one for you. This is what makes it necessary for parents to have ‘me-time'. Here are some healthy tips for moms out there.

How to have ‘me-time'?

Most of us are just busy all the time, working round the clock, doing household chores, and taking care of our kids. These keep us so occupied that we hardly ever find time for ourselves. This is something we need to change at once. We have to prioritize ourselves. Despite everything that keeps you on your toes all day, keep an hour aside for yourself each day. Let the other parent or someone else take care of your child during that time, and if you are the only person taking care of the child, make the best use of the time when your child goes to school or during their nap time.

What to do with ‘me-time’?

Do what you would love to do for yourself. Do what you could not devote time for. Practice your old hobbies, follow a new passion, read a book, write a poem, watch a movie, listen to or sing songs, take a walk, paint, doodle, engage in gardening, meditate, exercise or just anything that you can think of. Let this hour be all about yourself. Click Here to know how to get back to exercise after pregnancy.

What are the benefits of ‘me-time’?

The most significant thing that happens when you prioritize some quality time for yourself is that you take the first step towards self-care. It makes your relationship with yourself more cordial. It will not only make you energetic in your everyday activities but will also make you more calm and patient. We all want to be calm when it comes to parenting, but sometimes situations just seem to be difficult, and we lose patience. When we have some time to ourselves to unwind and relax in the best possible way, we tend to deal with tense situations in a better manner. Moreover, in the long run our children learn from us, and when they see us prioritizing ourselves for some time each day, they will see how important it is to be oneself and to take care of one's interests.

As parents, we need to remember that our children and their well-being are our prime responsibility, but we ourselves are as much important in this relationship. Taking care of oneself is not selfish, it is the best thing to do, for only when we have good physical and mental health can we be the best version of ourselves.


Anindita Ganguly has a doctorate in English Literature. Her research area is Women's theatre. She has worked as a writer and editor in several publishing houses over the last decade. A voracious reader who loves doodling and is passionate about music, gardening and movies.

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