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Vitamin D and Moms!

Do not overlook the essential intake of Vitamin D - Read more!

The Mom Store; Blog post; Vitamin D and Moms; Mom Health Care; Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash


Motherhood is an exciting journey filled with so many decisions. What to feed your baby, what to buy for the nursery, how to manage work and the list goes on. But one decision that is crucial yet often overlooked is the intake of the essential vitamin – Vitamin D.

Why is Vitamin D vital?
For moms-to-be and new mothers, maintaining optimum Vitamin D levels is vital for multiple reasons. First off, Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from our diet, which is fundamental for developing and maintaining healthy bones. Pregnant women who lack adequate Vitamin D could potentially have an impact on their child's bone health. Furthermore, a deficiency in this essential nutrient can cause a common condition in infants known as Rickets, characterized by soft and weak bones.

Moreover, recent studies suggest a possible link between sufficient Vitamin D levels and decreased risks of preterm birth and gestational diabetes. Also, adequate levels can potentially play a crucial role in the baby's immune system development.

Breastfeeding mothers also need to ensure sufficient Vitamin D levels as breast milk does not contain an adequate amount of this nutrient. Since infants get all their nutrients from breastfeeding, supplementing Vitamin D is crucial to prevent potential health issues in babies.

Not only this, but Vitamin D also plays an essential role in maintaining the mother’s mental health. Several studies suggest that lower Vitamin D levels might be linked with postpartum depression.

Vitamin D - Source.
The best natural source of Vitamin D is exposure to sunlight. So, moms should aim for a moderate amount of sun exposure. But, we all know how tricky it can be for new mothers to get time for sunbathing, especially with a newborn at hand! Here, Vitamin D supplements become handy. These can be a reliable alternative to maintain a healthy Vitamin D level for mothers who are unable to get sufficient sunlight.

Moms should also incorporate foods rich in Vitamin D into their diet. These include fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna, fortified foods such as orange juice and cereal, beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks.

Always remember, mothers need to stay healthy not only for themselves but also for their little ones who depend on them completely. And one such route to stay fit and healthy is by maintaining sufficient levels of Vitamin D. But like all other health decisions, it's essential to discuss your Vitamin D needs with a healthcare professional before beginning any supplementation.

A healthy mom leads to a healthy child. Make sure Vitamin D is part of your well-being journey. Let the sunshine vitamin help you and your little one bask in the glow of good health.

P.S. Happy mothering! It's a beautiful world of ups and downs, laughter and tears, strength and tenderness. And you are doing a great job!


About The Author:
Blog author: Shruti Roy
Shruti Roy is from Bhagalpur and currently resides in Ghaziabad. She has a NET in public administration and holds two master's degrees in English literature and public administration. She has a PG Diploma in Hindi Journalism from Tilkamanjhi Bhagalpur University and a BA (Hons) in English Journalism from Delhi University. She has also had a brief relationship with Hindustan Times, JT News, and Sportskeeda. Writing for her is a pleasant and calming activity. She enjoys writing in both Hindi and English, including essays, short stories, articles, and poems. Currently she is a homemaker and likes spending quality time with her 6 year old son Parth.



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