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Celebrating Teachers' Day: How to Foster Teacher-Child Relationships

Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers, moms, and parents who tirelessly nurture and inspire the future generation with boundless care and wisdom. Your dedication shapes the world with knowledge and...

The Mom Store; Blog; Teachers Day; Image by Freepik
Image by Freepik



In Indian culture, the teacher-child relationship is deeply rooted in the concept of "Guru-Shishya Parampara," which translates to the teacher-student tradition. The famous Sanskrit phrase "Gurur brahma, gurur vishnu, gurur devo maheshwara" encapsulates the reverence given to teachers, equating them to the divine. 

This age-old wisdom underscores the significance of fostering a strong and respectful connection between teachers and students. In this blog, I'd like to share a personal story that vividly illustrates the transformative power of acknowledging a student's presence.

As a child, I struggled with under confidence and self-doubt. My academic journey was marked by a lack of enthusiasm and a constant fear of not living up to the expectations set by high grades.
I vividly remember how my relationship with one particular teacher changed the course of my educational experience:
In a bustling classroom, where I often felt like a face in the crowd, there was a teacher who saw me differently. This teacher had a remarkable way of acknowledging each student's presence. One day, as she was taking attendance, she looked up, met my gaze, and called my name with a warm smile. It was a simple gesture, yet it had a profound impact on me. In that moment, I felt seen, valued, and appreciated – something I hadn't experienced before in a classroom setting. Her acknowledgment of me extended beyond that day. She engaged with my thoughts during discussions, praised my efforts, and provided constructive feedback that empowered me to grow. Gradually, my confidence began to bloom, and my grades started reflecting the positive changes and I received the “Best Student award” when I passed my 10th owing to my participation in extracurricular activities, elocution, sports and academics. 
This personal story highlights the importance of acknowledging a child's presence and unique qualities. Teachers possess the remarkable ability to recognize and nurture the potential within each student, thereby shaping their self-esteem and love for learning. It's a reminder that the Guru-Shishya bond isn't merely about imparting knowledge, but also about creating an environment where students feel accepted and appreciated for who they are. 
In this blog, we will explore five impactful ways to foster and strengthen the teacher-child relationship, including insights into how parents can play a pivotal role in supporting this bond. These strategies not only enhance academic growth but also contribute to the overall emotional and personal development of the child. Just as my teacher's acknowledgment ignited a positive transformation in my academic journey, these practices can spark a brighter educational path for countless young minds.
  1. Establishing Open Communication: 
    Open and transparent communication forms the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, including the one between teachers and students. Encourage children to ask questions, seek clarification, and express their thoughts freely. Teachers should create an inclusive classroom environment where students feel comfortable sharing their ideas without fear of judgment. This instills confidence and helps build a strong rapport between teachers and students.
  1. Encouraging Mutual Respect: 
    Respect is a two-way street. Teachers should treat students with respect and dignity, and in turn, students should demonstrate respect for their teachers. Teach children to greet their teachers with folded hands as a gesture of humility. Parents play a crucial role in modeling respect for teachers through their words and actions. When children witness their parents valuing their teachers, they are more likely to emulate the same behavior.
  1. Fostering a Supportive Atmosphere: 
    Teachers are not just educators but also mentors and guides. They play a significant role in shaping a child's character and future. Parents should work in tandem with teachers to provide a nurturing environment for the child's holistic development. Attend parent-teacher meetings regularly, discuss progress, and address any concerns together. When children see their parents and teachers collaborating, they understand that everyone is invested in their growth.
  1. Cultivating Empathy and Understanding: 
    Children often view their teachers as authority figures, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings if discipline is involved. It's essential to teach children empathy and help them understand that teachers have their best interests at heart. If a child faces reprimand, parents can guide them to reflect on their actions and learn from their mistakes. This approach prevents the child from developing negative feelings towards the teacher.
  1. Recognizing Teachers' Contributions:
    Encourage children to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of their teachers. Celebrate Teacher's Day, express gratitude through handwritten notes, or organize small events to honor their dedication. By recognizing teachers' contributions, children develop a deeper understanding of the role educators play in their lives.


Parental Role
Parents play a pivotal role in shaping their child's perception of teachers and education. Here's how parents can support and maintain a positive teacher-child relationship:
  1. Avoid Speaking Ill of Teachers:
    Avoid speaking negatively about teachers in front of your child. Criticizing teachers can lead to a loss of respect for authority figures. If your child faces challenges in class, address them constructively without assigning blame.
  1. Encourage Open Dialogue:
    Create an environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their experiences at school. Listen attentively to their concerns, and provide guidance on how to approach difficult situations.
  1. Teach Respectful Disagreement:
    It's natural for students to have differing opinions or misunderstandings with teachers. Teach your child how to express disagreement respectfully and seek clarification without confrontation.
  1. Model Respectful Behavior:
    Children learn by observing their parents. Model respectful behavior towards teachers in your interactions, conversations, and actions.
  1. Emphasize Learning and Growth:
    Help your child understand that learning involves making mistakes and growing from them. Reinforce the idea that teachers are there to guide them on this journey.
In conclusion, the teacher-child relationship is a blend of respect, trust, and guidance. By fostering open communication, mutual respect, and understanding, we can nurture this bond and create an atmosphere conducive to learning and personal growth. Parents play an integral role in cultivating this relationship by being supportive, understanding, and encouraging of their child's educational journey. Remember, when teachers and parents collaborate harmoniously, children are better equipped to thrive academically and emotionally.
(This Blog is lovingly dedicated to Sister Annie (who took note of me), Sister Jacquline (who appreciated me ) and Sir Naresh (who made me see the writer in me)!)
About The Author:
The Mom Store; Blog Author; Dhanya Nair
Dhanya calls herself an impatient inquisitive seeker, content writer and blogger. Dhanya, through her blogs aims to help moms who are raised in nuclear families, aspiring, ambitious, well educated but feel stuck when it comes to parenting!


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